Enhancing 21st-Century Skills through Blended Problem-Based Learning with Ethnoscience Integration: A Mixed-Methods Study in Indonesian Junior High Schools
Integrating 21st-century skills into science education remains challenging in Indonesia, particularly in bridging modern pedagogical approaches with culturally relevant learning experiences. This study aimed to develop, implement, and evaluate a Blended Problem-Based Learning model incorporating ethnoscience for junior high school science education in Indonesia, focusing on its validity, practicality, and effectiveness in improving students' critical thinking, communication, and creativity skills. Using a mixed-methods research design, the study employed the Plomp’s framework for model development. Participants included 120 eighth-grade students and 9 science teachers from three schools representing urban, suburban, and rural settings. Data collection involved expert validation, classroom observations, teacher interviews, student focus groups, and pre-post assessments of 21st-century skills. The model demonstrated high validity (M = 4.72/5.0) across content alignment, instructional design, cultural relevance, and technological accessibility. Practicality assessment showed strong feasibility (M = 4.65/5.0) in classroom implementation. Significant improvements were observed in critical thinking (?M = 16.35, d = 1.47), communication (?M = 15.05, d = 1.35), and creativity (?M = 16.50, d = 1.43). The integration of ethnoscience particularly enhanced student engagement and cultural appreciation while supporting academic achievement. This study provides empirical evidence for the effectiveness of culturally responsive Blended?Learning approaches in developing 21st?century skills and offers practical insights for educators and policymakers in implementing innovative pedagogical strategies within diverse educational contexts.
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