Teacher Self-efficacy in Northern Chile: Challenges in Instructional Strategies

Katherine Acosta-García, Martín Navarro-Ibañez


This study explored the teaching self-efficacy beliefs of 430 teachers from public and subsidized private schools in the northernmost region of Chile (Arica and Parinacota/Tarapacá). A quantitative cross?sectional correlational design was employed using the Ohio State Teacher Efficacy Scale adapted to the Chilean context. This scale was considered appropriate since self?efficacy manifests across different dimensions of educational practice, including classroom management, instructional strategies, and student engagement. The results indicated the highest levels of self?efficacy in classroom management, followed by student engagement and lastly, instructional strategies with the lowest levels. Significant differences were found between the three dimensions. Secondary education teachers and those teaching at multiple levels reported greater instructional self-efficacy. Conversely, no significant relationships were found between self-efficacy and teaching experience. However, a slight but significant negative relationship was identified between age and instructional strategies. These findings underscore the importance of strengthening instructional strategies through teacher training programs tailored to the specific challenges faced by educational contexts. Additionally, they highlight the unique conditions of northern Chile such as high cultural diversity, student vulnerability, and a shortage of teachers in STEM areas. These factors emphasize the need to enhance teacher self-efficacy not only to improve instructional effectiveness but also to foster student engagement and learning outcomes in complex educational environments.



teaching self-efficacy; instructional strategies; student engagement; classroom management; practicing teachers

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