AI-Assisting Technology and Social Support in Enhancing Deep Learning and Self-Efficacy among Primary School Students in Mathematics in China

Yaping Qiu, Nor Asniza Ishak


The extant literature highlighted the significant relationship between artificial intelligence (AI)-assisting technology and deep learning in mathematics among primary school students in China, with learning self-efficacy emerging as a mediator and social support emerging as a moderator. However, the relationships with and their effects on primary school students' deep learning with AI-assisting technology and social support remain less explored. This study aims to address this gap by (a) examining the differential effects of AI-assisting technology on deep learning and (b) determining whether these relationships and effects operate via mediator and moderator, in this case, learning self-efficacy and social support, respectively. Based on a sample of 387 respondents from four primary schools in China, this study examined the underlying causal links among key variables using structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings demonstrate that AI-assisted technology has a significantly positive influence on primary school students' deep learning. Learning self-efficacy supports deep learning improvements within this study's framework. Social support fosters student participation and academic progress, leading to a more enriching learning process. The results strongly validate the proposed theoretical assumptions, demonstrating a clear correlation between the conceptual model and research findings. This study provides valuable perspectives on AI's role in education, emphasizing the necessity of adopting AI-powered educational tools to enhance deep learning among primary school students.


Artificial intelligence assistant; deep learning; learning self-efficacy; social support

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