Critical Reflections and Using Bourdieu-Scheerens Framework in Transformative Mixed Methods Teachers’ Licensure Review Evaluation
This methodological paper presents critical reflections on transformative mixed methods based on a published study titled “Evaluation of University Review Program for Teachers’ Licensure Examination: A Transformative Mixed Methods Study Using Bourdieu-Scheerens Framework” in the International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. We introduce the paper in the introductory part and situate its contribution to transformative mixed methods literature. Our reflections reveal that the lead researcher’s personal and professional backgrounds, social awareness, and social responsibility were pivotal in the development of the LET Intensive Review and the Bourdieu-Scheerens framework used in the transformative mixed methods evaluation. The dominance of the qualitative research approach in the paper unveils the researcher’s educational orientation and identity. Finally, transformative mixed methods research holds immense potential for a contextually and culturally grounded educational evaluation.
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