Unveiling Emerging Trends and Potential Research Themes in Future Ethnomathematics Studies: A Global Bibliometric Analysis (From Inception to 2024)

Akbar Nasrum, Achmad Salido, Chairuddin Chairuddin


Ethnomathematics, an interdisciplinary field that bridges mathematics and culture, addresses the challenge of integrating cultural contexts into mathematics education. This study aimed to explore the global landscape, trends, and fundamental research themes in ethnomathematical studies while identifying areas for further development through a comprehensive bibliometric analysis. It addresses the current problem of integrating cultural contexts into mathematics education, filling research gaps by identifying emerging themes and trends. Using metadata from the Scopus database (1984–2024), 644 documents were collected with the search string "ethnomathematics". The study's investigative activities include research design, data collection, analysis, visualization, and interpretation. Data were processed using Biblioshiny R and VOSviewer to identify publication trends and to map keywords. The results indicated that authors such as Rosa and Orey are notable for their publication productivity, while Prahmana and D'Ambrosio are highly influential based on citation counts. The findings also showed a significant growth in ethnomathematical studies from 2010, peaking in 2020 and 2023. Keywords such as "students", "mathematics learning", and "Indonesia" frequently appeared, underscoring the focus on mathematics education linked to local cultural contexts. Future research directions include integrating technology in culture-based mathematics learning, developing numeracy and problem?solving skills through ethnomathematics, designing culture?based school curricula, evaluating ethnomathematics-based learning, and advancing teacher professional development in ethnomathematics instruction. These findings underscore the potential of ethnomathematics to enhance educational quality by making mathematics more relevant and engaging, ultimately contributing to a more inclusive and culturally responsive educational system.



culture; ethnomathematics; mathematics; problem-solving; global bibliometric analysis

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