A Study on Teachers' Acceptance of Digital Technology in Vietnamese Secondary Education: An Assessment Using the Technology Acceptance Model

Cao Cu Giac, Cao Thi Van Giang, Ly Huy Hoang, Tran Thi Thuy Ngan


This study investigates factors influencing digital technology adoption among lower secondary school teachers in Vietnam, a key element of the country's educational digital transformation. Despite investments in digital infrastructure, successful integration hinges on teachers' effective use of these tools. This research addresses the gap in understanding teacher technology acceptance, as existing literature, often relying on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), frequently overlooks the influence of psychological and social factors crucial in developing educational systems. Extending the TAM, this study explores these factors within the Vietnamese context. A stratified sample of 364 teachers across diverse regions (North, Central, and South Vietnam) and subject areas (Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences) was surveyed online using Google Forms. The instrument, based on the extended TAM, measured perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward innovation, fear of job displacement, peer support and school policies. Data analysis, using SPSS software, employed descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis to determine the relative importance of each factor in predicting technology adoption. Findings reveal that beyond perceived usefulness and ease of use, psychological factors (e.g., concerns about competence, age, habits) and social factors (e.g., technological advancements, complexity, community support) significantly influence teacher decisions. These results offer valuable insights for policymakers and educational leaders promoting effective digital integration. The study concludes with recommendations for targeted teacher training, supportive policies and strategies to mitigate technology-related anxieties, contributing to successful digital transformation in Vietnamese education.



digital technology; secondary education; technology acceptance model

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