The Cognitive Complexity of Technical Sciences: An Analysis Using the Depth-of-Knowledge Level Scheme

Xolani Mhlungu, Sam Mabune Ramaila, Umesh Ramnarain


This study examines the content complexity of Technical Sciences through the Depth-of-Knowledge (DOK) Level Scheme to provide a nuanced understanding of how cognitive demands influence student learning and instructional strategies. Using a quantitative research design and a systematic content analysis approach, the study evaluates the DOK levels embedded in Technical Sciences curricula, instructional resources, and assessment tools. The research focuses on categorizing Technical Sciences topics across the four DOK levels: recall and reproduction, skills and concepts, strategic thinking, and extended thinking. Data were collected from educational materials across various contexts and analysed to identify patterns in content complexity. The findings reveal a heterogeneous distribution of DOK levels, with some topics requiring higher-order thinking skills while others emphasize foundational knowledge. Significant discrepancies in the application of DOK levels across educational contexts were observed, underscoring the need for a consistent framework in curriculum design. The study highlights the implications for educators and curriculum developers, emphasizing the importance of integrating higher DOK levels into instructional practices to foster learners’ critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and deeper conceptual understanding. Recommendations include adopting DOK-aligned teaching strategies in Technical Sciences and conducting further research to explore the relationship between content complexity and student achievement. By addressing these gaps, the study contributes to ongoing efforts to enhance educational outcomes and promote a more rigorous and relevant Technical Sciences curriculum.


Bloom’s taxonomy; cognitive level; content complexity; depth-of-knowledge level scheme; technical sciences

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