Transformative Policy Model for Digitalising Education: Accelerating Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Indonesia
Education is a cornerstone for preparing future generations to navigate change and address emerging global challenges. Within this framework, ESD stands out as a transformative paradigm that fosters awareness, engagement and accountability in addressing sustainability issues. This study aimed to develop a transformative policy model for digitalising education to accelerate the realisation of ESD in Indonesia. Employing a policy research approach, the study examined the formulation, implementation and evaluation of digital education policies. The research involved junior high school teachers and principals across 12 regencies and cities in West Sumatra. The data collection techniques in this study were questionnaires; observations and documentation analysis. Data was analysed using descriptive statistical testing and the Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) technique to evaluate quantitative survey results. The findings revealed a strong and significant relationship between the variables of communication and organisational structure on policy implementation, both directly and through mediating variables such as resources and disposition. This study underscored the critical role of effective communication and robust organisational frameworks in facilitating effective policy outcomes, offering actionable insights into the design of digital education policies that align with ESD principles.
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