A Phenomenological Study of National In-Service Vocational Teacher Training at a Vocational College in China: Voices of Trainers and Trainees
National in-service vocational teacher training represents a key approach in improving the quality of vocational education. This phenomenological study investigated the significance of this type of training at a vocational college in China. The study employed a purposive sampling method to select participants, ensuring they had relevant experience with national in-service vocational teacher training. It drew on the experiences of eight participants: four trainers and four trainees, all of whom had participated directly in national in-service vocational teacher training. Three main methods of data collection were employed: semi-structured interviews, observations, and document analysis. Through qualitative data collected via the semi-structured interviews and observations, the study explored how both trainers and trainees perceive the benefits and challenges of national in-service vocational teacher training. Guided by Experiential Learning Theory, the research framework provided a lens through which to understand how participants’ experiences shaped their learning and professional growth. The findings revealed that while the training provides valuable opportunities for the acquisition of knowledge and development of skills, resource building, and practical problem-solving, challenges persist due to the traditional theoretical training model, which limits the effective transfer of learning. Based on these insights, the study suggested adopting a more continuous and practical training model to better support vocational educators, ultimately facilitating the efficacy of training and achieving meaningful classroom transformation.
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