Harnessing Artificial Intelligence Tools to Enhance Smart Learning

Galal eldin Abbas Eltayeb


The emergence of smart learning applications has significantly impacted the educational process, transforming student interaction and shaping the future of learning. Integrating artificial intelligence into smart learning applications has become a powerful tool, enriching student interaction and shaping the future of learning. This paper explores the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on smart learning applications, focusing on the characteristics, applications, and benefits of artificial intelligence -integrated smart learning. It uses a literature review method to analyze existing studies on smart learning and artificial intelligence integration in education. This study identifies key characteristics of practical smart learning applications, their impact on student outcomes, and the challenges and benefits of artificial intelligence integration. Empirical data from various educational institutions has been examined to provide real-world examples and case studies of successful smart learning implementations. The findings reveal that artificial intelligence significantly enhances learning experiences and improves student engagement and outcomes but it also necessitates careful consideration of data privacy, digital equity, teacher training, and ethical considerations. The research concludes that ongoing collaboration between educators, developers, and policymakers is crucial for maximizing artificial intelligence benefits in education while mitigating potential risks and ensuring equitable access to quality learning for all students.



e-learning; smart learning; education; technology; artificial intelligence

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