A Scoping Review of Global Higher Education Institution Staff Voice Behavior Studies from 2013 to 2023

Ma Nisha, Elaina Rose Johar, Noor Faezah Juhari


Competition among higher education organizations is becoming increasingly fierce. Management needs to fully consider the ideas and opinions of staff for further enhance organizations’ competitiveness. To investigate characteristics and emerging themes of higher education institution staff’s voice behavior studies, a scoping review technique mapping key concepts and evidence gaps was used to identify 18 journal articles published from 2013 to 2023 from Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus. The search terms for related studies include voice behavior, employee voice, higher education, university, and college. The geographical scope of reviewed articles included both developed and developing countries and the adopted methodologies included both quantitative and qualitative methods. Descriptive and thematic analysis are used for data analysis in this study. It is found that research on employee voice behavior in higher education is growing but limited. Past studies mainly focused on university teachers, and more research was done in developing countries. Most studies are indexed in higher level journals. Additionally, several key emerging themes such as supervisor and leadership are identified. Future research could include more staff types, such as administrative staff, and prioritizing studies in developed countries to comprehensively understand employee voice behavior.




higher education institution; scoping review; staff; voice behavior

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