Exploring Spiritually Oriented Supervision: Enhancing Teacher Performance and Holistic Education in Religious-Based Primary Schools
This study explored the implementation of spiritually oriented supervision in religious-based primary schools in Ende City. It aimed to uncover the meaning and impact of supervision patterns that integrate spiritual values into teaching practices. Employing a phenomenological approach with a multi-case study design, data were collected through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and document analysis. The findings revealed that spiritually oriented supervision fosters a meaningful and dialogic educational environment by emphasizing tolerance, empathy, and collaboration. According to the obtained results, principals act as motivators, using their spiritual intelligence to inspire teachers and enhance their performance. Teachers responded positively to this approach, with increased motivation and professional growth, reflecting a harmonious relationship between supervisors and educators. This research highlighted the potential of spiritually oriented supervision to improve educational quality and nurture holistic character development in both teachers and students. It addressed gaps in previous studies by focusing on the subjective experiences of participants and integrating spiritual values into educational management. The findings underscore the relevance of this approach as a model for improving educational outcomes in religious?based schools.
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