Exploring the Awareness of Teacher-Educators Regarding Universal Design for Learning: A Study from Central Universities of India
The present study investigated the awareness of universal design for learning among teacher educators of central universities in India. Universal design for learning is an essential framework that reduces barriers to academic achievement, allowing students of all abilities to access the curriculum. In Indian classrooms, educators encounter challenges such as diverse students, large class sizes, rote learning practices, and limited resources, which complicate inclusive education efforts. The universal design for learning addresses these challenges by promoting flexible teaching methods, varied engagement strategies, and inclusive assessments. The success of curriculum implementation depends on teachers, highlighting the need to assess universal design for learning awareness among teacher educators who prepare future teachers. This study employed a descriptive research method and selected 62 teacher-educators from the teacher-education departments of five Indian universities as a sample by using a simple random sampling technique. A standardized awareness test developed by the researchers was administered to assess the awareness of teacher-educators regarding UDL. The participants were asked to complete the assessment test under the direct observation of the investigators. The dataset was thoroughly analyzed using descriptive statistics, such as the mean and standard deviation, to summarize its central tendency and variability. The results revealed that teacher educators from four universities had moderate awareness of universal design for learning, while teacher educators from one university exhibited high awareness. Furthermore, the study found that awareness levels were consistent across age, experience, and gender. This study highlights the importance of enhancing awareness of universal design for learning among teacher educators to foster inclusive education practices that can effectively meet the diverse needs of students in Indian classrooms.
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