The 7C Skills Framework: A Measurement Tool to Enhance Global Competence in Multicultural Learning Based on Engagement Theory
The need to understand global competence in higher education in Indonesia currently relies on the 7C skills measuring instrument, which originates from Western cultural contexts and may lead to potential biases. This study aims to develop a 7C skills measuring instrument grounded in engagement theory through theoretical studies, expert validation, empirical testing, and construct validity. Adopting an exploratory sequential mixed-methods design, the research was conducted in two phases: the qualitative phase followed by the quantitative phase. The qualitative phase aimed to conceptualize the development of the 7C skills measuring instrument based on engagement theory through theoretical studies and expert evaluations. The findings from the qualitative phase revealed that the 7C skills framework consists of seven dimensions: critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity, connectivity, computational thinking, and cross-cultural understanding. The instrument was tested on 385 university students in Indonesia and analyzed for feasibility, factor structure, and construct validity. As a result, the instrument was reduced to 61 items, as certain items did not meet eligibility criteria. These findings demonstrate that the 7C skills measuring instrument, grounded in engagement theory, is valid and applicable for university students in Indonesia. Additionally, this study contributes to both the refinement of engagement theory as the foundation for constructing the 7C skills framework and the advancement of engagement theory by integrating perspectives from motivational theory and environmental fit. The practical implications include the development of a more precise and applicable 7C skills measurement tool for various educational contexts, fostering the enhancement of 21st-century skills.
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