Leveraging Ecological Systems Theory to Identify the Factors Shaping the Learning Experiences of Engineering Students in Higher Education Institutions in Oman

Priy Brat Dwivedi, Santosh Madhav Walke, Maryam Aki Suliman Al Subhi, Nabila Al Balushi


The research thoroughly investigates the multifaceted factors influencing students’ learning experiences at a prominent Higher Education Institution in Oman. To explore these factors in depth, the study involved a diverse group of 22 students from Levels 3 and 4 of Engineering courses. This exploratory, descriptive study employed focus group interviews structured around 18 carefully crafted questions grounded in Urie Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory. This theoretical framework provides a comprehensive lens to examine the intricate interactions between individuals and their various environments. Interview data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively by measuring and analyzing the frequency of opinions and information. The findings revealed that while students recognized the significance of written goal-setting record, family motivation, and the increasingly important role of artificial intelligence in education, they exhibited a concerningly low awareness of valuable resources such as online library services, massive open online courses, and potential job prospects in their field. This gap in awareness suggests a need for improved communication and outreach regarding available academic resources and career opportunities. Responses among participants varied regarding the effectiveness of peer tutoring, the value of group assignments, and participation in student clubs, indicating a spectrum of experiences that could benefit from targeted interventions. Notably, there was a positive attitude toward utilizing platforms like YouTube for study purposes, highlighting the potential of digital resources in enhancing learning.



learning experience; Chabot; student awareness; ecological systems theory; higher education

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