The Impact of the Integration of Metacognitive Strategy in the Flipped Classroom Model on Vocational High School Students’ Writing Skill, Writing Anxiety, and Writing Self-Efficacy
The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of metacognitive strategy integration in the best class model on writing ability, anxiety, and self-efficacy in writing. The method used in this study was a quasi-experiment involving 250 vocational high school students using a random sampling method with 60% female and 40% male. The experimental group used five different types of metacognitive strategies with the flipped classroom model, while the control group received metacognitive strategy instruction intervention with traditional classes. The instruments used in this study were a writing self-efficacy scale, a writing ability measurement scale, two writing tasks, and a writing anxiety scale. Data analysis used the one-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K-S) Test and the one-way ANCOVA test. The results showed that the integration of metacognitive strategies based on flipped classrooms was able to significantly improve writing ability compared to writing ability that received metacognitive strategy intervention in traditional classes. The improvement of students’ writing skills is seen in several components, namely content, organization of ideas, vocabulary usage, and mechanics. Metacognitive strategies that included planning, monitoring, and evaluation are able to improve the quality of students’ essay writing. The integration of metacognitive strategies in the flipped classroom model encouraged students to fully participate in various online learning activities before attending class and could reduce anxiety and writing self-efficacy substantially. This learning activity improves high-level cognitive skills, which can directly prepare students before entering the learning process activities. This study implies that the integration of technology with language learning models will not only be able to improve language skills but also be able to improve aspects that support the improvement of these language skills and reduce writing anxiety because students are equipped with various features in technology.
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