Enhancing Early Childhood Mathematics Skills Learning through Digital Game-Based Learning
The present study investigates the unique impact of digital game-based learning (DGBL) on children's mathematical problem-solving skills, with a particular focus on both immediate and long-term effects. While much of the existing research on DGBL explores its general benefits, this study differentiates itself by examining how DGBL specifically enhances cognitive skills. The study included 120 students, 61 of whom were assigned to an experimental group taught using digital games, and 59 to a control group taught through traditional methods. The research design incorporated the development of a customized game-based learning material and a comprehensive mathematical problem-solving assessment. The results revealed that the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group in both immediate and delayed post-tests, which underscores the effectiveness of DGBL in enhancing students' retention of mathematics well beyond the initial learning phase. This suggests that DGBL is not only effective in helping students grasp mathematical concepts in the short term but also in strengthening their ability to retain and apply these concepts over time. Moreover, the study goes further by highlighting the long-term cognitive benefits of DGBL, such as the development of critical thinking, quick decision-making, and problem-solving skills. This aspect of the study distinguishes it from other research in the field as it emphasizes not just short-term academic performance, but also lasting improvements in key cognitive abilities. Based on these findings, it is recommended that teachers integrate digital game-based learning into their teaching strategies. This integration can enhance student engagement, motivate learners, and facilitate understanding of mathematical concepts.
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