Exploring the Concepts of Fidelity and Adaptation in the Implementation of Project Based Learning in the Elementary Classroom: Case Studies from Qatar

Xiangyun Du, Youmen Chaaban, Yasameen Mohammed ALMabrd


This study explored teachers’ first-year experiences with Project Based Learning in the context of a system-wide initiative involving its implementation in Qatari elementary government schools. Participants were 11 English as a Foreign Language EFL teachers distributed among three schools, constituting the cases in the current study. Findings from interviews, observations and document reviews revealed the complexity inherent in balancing fidelity and adaptation. Results suggest that teachers tend to resort to adaptation in the presence of various impeding factors at the personal and organizational levels. To alleviate these contextual challenges and improve fidelity towards PBL implementation, several recommendations are discussed.



project-based learning; fidelity of implementation; adaptation; EFL; elementary education; Qatar

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