Debate as a Tool for Learning and Facilitating Based on Higher Order Thinking Skills in The Process of Argumentative Essay Writing

Marzni Mohamed Mokhtar, Marni Jamil, Rohizani Yaakub, Fadzilah Amzah


This study was conducted to examine how teachers carried out teaching and learning (T&L) based on higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) in the process of argumentative essay writing. To obtain a holistic overview of the methods used by teachers in T&L, a qualitative case study approach was being employed as the research design of this study. Secondary school teachers were involved voluntarily in this study, and it was conducted at a boarding school in a district in Selangor, Malaysia. To collect meaningful data from both research participants, in-depth interviews, classroom observations, and document analysis were used until saturated data was achieved. The findings were analyzed to form the criteria and themes in discovering the use of HOTS in T&L of argumentative essay writing. It was found that debate is a viable method to implement HOTS in argumentative essay writing. The method can attract and inspire students to use HOTS in constructing their arguments and in completing their writing assignments.


debate; HOTS; case study; argumentative essay; teaching and learning

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