The Attitudes of Tertiary Level Students Towards Cooperative Learning Strategies in Afghan EFL Context

Rahmatullah Katawazai, Aminabibi Saidalvi


Educators use various active learning strategies over the last decades in different educational contexts globally. The current study aimed to investigate the attitudes of Afghan tertiary level students towards cooperative learning strategies in the Afghan EFL context. The current study used a questionnaire as a primary instrument for collecting the data employing a descriptive survey design for data collection and analysis. The participants were 165 undergraduate students from the Department of English, Languages and Literature Faculty, Kandahar University. The findings revealed that participants have positive attitudes towards cooperative learning strategies, and several reasons were pointed out for positive changes to take place. Cooperative learning strategies have also been considered as useful teaching and learning techniques that increase classroom participation from the perspectives of students. Thus, it is recommended for Afghan teachers to adopt cooperative learning strategies due to the positive effects on students’ attitudes and classroom participation. The findings of the current study will help educators to incorporate cooperative learning in their courses. The result will be a guide for curriculum developers to include cooperative strategies in designing curriculum and textbooks.


Cooperative learning strategies; EFL context; Afghan

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