The Development of Instructional Leadership Scale of Elementary School Principals in Indonesia

Agung Purwa Widiyan, Saowanee Sirisooksilp, Pennee Kantavong Narot


This research aims to develop a scale to measure the practice of instructional leadership of elementary school principals in Indonesia. A sequential mixed-methods approach was chosen involving 238 school principals at public elementary schools in Bogor regency, Indonesia. The new instructional leadership scale showed appropriate levels of reliability and validity. The reliability of the developed scale was 0,875. The construct validity was examined; second-ordered confirmatory factor analysis was at a satisfactory level, Chi-square χ2=434.489, CFI =.934, p=.113, TLI=.928, RMSEA=.019, SRMR=.046. Convergent and discriminant validity were at an acceptable level as well. Qualitative results concluded that there were three identities of instructional leadership: instructional knowledge, attitude, and skills. By providing a new scale to measure instructional leadership roles, it could help navigate effectively that the roles of school leaders for learning reforms.


Confirmatory Factor Analysis; Elementary School; Instructional Leadership; Mixed Methods; School Principal

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