Influence of Mathematical Representation and Mathematics Self-Efficacy on the Learning Effectiveness of Fifth Graders in Pattern Reasoning

Ming-Jang Chen, Chun-Yi Lee, Wei-Chih Hsu


The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of mathematics self-efficacy and diverse mathematical representations in learning materials on the performance and learning attitude of elementary school learners with regard to pattern reasoning. The research samples comprised 121 fifth graders from an elementary school in Central Taiwan. We adopted a two-factor quasi-experimental design with mathematical representation and mathematics self-efficacy as the independent variables. Digital learning materials were graphical or numerical and the learners designated as having high or low mathematics self-efficacy. The dependent variables included pattern reasoning performance and attitudes towards learning mathematics. The former was divided into number sequence reasoning and graphic sequence reasoning, whereas the latter included learning enjoyment, motivation, and anxiety. The research findings indicate that (1) using graphical learning materials enhances performance in pattern reasoning; (2) using digital learning materials in teaching can improve attitudes towards learning mathematics; (3) learners with high mathematics self-efficacy display more positive attitudes towards learning mathematics.


pattern reasoning; mathematical representation; mathematics teaching; digital learning materials; mathematics self-efficacy

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