The Impact of Using VAKT Strategy on Oral Reading and Reading Comprehension Skills of Elementary Students with Dyslexia

Ayed H. Ziadat


Dyslexia is a learning disability associated with a deficiency of spell, read, write, and recognize words. The key purpose of the study was to examine the desirable enhancing of oral reading and reading comprehension levels by testing the advantage of Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, and Tactile (VAKT) strategy on oral reading and reading comprehension among students with dyslexia registering at the governate source classroom. The study adopted a Quasi-experimental approach with the design of control and experimental groups and two measurement phases (pre and post-tests). The study assessed oral reading and reading comprehension levels by the diagnostic scale of Arabic language Basic skills. Thirty-nine subjects were drawn using the purposive sampling technique (control N=19 and experimental N=20), and the intervention VAKT technique was used for third-grade students with dyslexia for one semester consecutively followed by the post-assessment. The results revealed that the control group showed enhancement in comprehension reading and oral reading level, but less significant than the experimental group. Thus, VAKT is a sufficient approach to advance the comprehension reading and oral reading levels of students with dyslexia. The study findings contribute to motivating  VAKT strategy using for students representing dyslexia for the sake of reading learning. Further, the study contributes to implementing VAKT in Arabic language learning settings. The researcher recommends considering learning style, motivation, and settings in future studies.


Dyslexia; oral reading; reading comprehension; source classrooms; VAKT

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