The Development of Digital Competences for University Tourism Teachers

Derling José Mendoza Velazco, Magda Francisca Cejas Martínez, Mercedes Navarro Cejas, María Hipatia Delgado Demera, Silvia Marieta Aldaz Hernández


The aim of the research was to determine the virtual competences of Ecuadorian tourism teachers during the A-2021 cycle. A mixed research approach was used. A quantitative analysis was applied first, followed by a qualitative analysis. The sample selection was participatory and non-probabilistic. The sample consisted of 1003 active university teachers in Ecuador. A questionnaire comprising 106 questions divided into four variables was designed. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and the Kruskal-Wallis test were carried out. The findings indicate the applicability of virtual competences by university teachers. These competences are of a medium level and do not comply with the comprehensive competences of student care. The technological training level of university teaching staff is low. Regarding the use and knowledge of technology, respondents indicated a high level of understanding. Attitudes towards and methodology use in information and communication technologies showed weaknesses in usage and accessibility. In conclusion, a matrix of virtual competences for university tourism teachers is presented. The application of this methodology considers the competences in a comprehensive and problem-oriented manner.


university education; teaching staff; competences; virtual education; technology

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