A Traditional Game-Based Parenting Model as a Cultural-Inheritance Medium in Early Childhood Education

Suteja ., Saifuddin ., Farihin ., Aris ., Widodo Winarso


Education related to parenting must be provided for parents to have a broad perspective in preparing a child's education. The use of traditional games in parenting can be developed to apply and preserve the local values and norms in the next generation from an early age. Based on traditional games, a parenting model is also an effort to transmit good and wise local culture to pre-school children. This research offers a parenting model based on the traditional games relevant to pre-school child education (PAUD – Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini). This type of research comprises Research and Development, which references ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). After the parenting model has been designed, this model subsequently goes through a validation phase with parenting-model subject-matter experts and design experts, in order to elicit suggestions for improvement until this model can be stated as suitable to be categorized as 'good'. After the validation and revision phases, the researchers conducted a trial, in order to understand student perceptions when using the model. A parenting model based on traditional games can be expected to instil an awareness of the importance of local culture, and as an effort to make best use of a child’s formative years, which is seldom done. Parenting, based on traditional games, is of no less interest than other parenting models. The parenting model developed in this research contributes to the development of teaching material for pre-school children's education.



Cultural Heritage Transfer; parenting model; pre-school children; traditional games

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