A Conceptual Model of Culture-Based English Learning Materials in Indonesia

Muhammad Lukman Syafii, Ghulam Asrofi Buntoro, Alip Sugianto, Nurohman ., Sutanto .


The purpose of this research was to create a culture-based English learning model for use in junior high schools. This study was part of a larger research project that used a research and development (R&D) design. In the first year, the project aims to create a conceptual model of culture-based English learning materials. This study was conducted at Muhammadiyah 1 Junior High School in Ponorogo, East Java province, Indonesia. Muhammadiyah is one of the biggest Islamic non-governmental organizations in Indonesia. We chose this school due to its easy access and low motivation levels of its students in learning English. Sample selection was conducted using a multi-stage sampling technique. The data were collected using questionnaires, document analysis, and interviews, and triangulated using expert judgment. The results of the data analysis led to the production of a conceptual model of English learning material which contains core competencies, basic competencies, themes, or materials of English for junior high school students. The result of the interviews with the students and teachers during need analysis indicated that it is necessary to include local culture in English learning materials to increase students’ engagement and knowledge about their culture. The results of the product try-out showed that students are motivated because they are familiar with the culture-based learning materials. As such, this conceptual model will be the basis to develop similar modules of English learning materials for junior high school students.



conceptual model; culture-based; English learning

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