Exploring the potentials of Intercultural Education in sustaining Social Cohesion in Small Island Developing States

Jabeen Bibi Soobratty


The process of globalisation has made the world increasingly intertwined. Diversity in term of cultures, nationalities, faiths and ethnic backgrounds has become an intrinsic characteristic of all societies. Furthermore,most countries around the globe share concerns about social cohesion and stability. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) which has an economic backwardness, fragile ecosystem and social fabrics were mainly built on multicultural pillars. The features of SIDS make social inclusion more important than ever in order to survive in the global change. A system of education for a sustainable society has a pivotal role to play to support a cohesive society. Fostering social cohesion in SIDS will enable such society to be more cohesive and thus be equipped with the necessary inclusive mechanisms for managing conflicts. In order to promote respect for and acceptance of diversity in today`s societies, Intercultural Education is proposed as a powerful mechanism to strengthen social cohesion. In section one, the vulnerabilities of SIDS will be highlighted. This section is trying to answer the crucial question of: Why social cohesion is vital to SIDS more than other countries? In section two, the emergence of interculturalism and intercultural education in multicultural societies will be discussed. While section 3 will be focusing on the possibilities of implementing intercultural education in the educational systems of SIDS.


Intercultural Education, Social Cohesion, Small Island Developing States

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