Web-Based Design of BIPA Placement Test Instrument for Foreign Speakers

Endry Boeriswati, Rahmi Yulia Ningsih, Wardani Rahayu


This study aimed to develop a web-based Indonesian-language placement test instrument for foreign speakers, commonly called BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing). The research method involved design-based research (DBR) with test instrument development procedures developed by the Association of Language Testers in Europe. The results show that 89% of respondents strongly agreed that the development of a BIPA placement test instrument was very much needed in BIPA learning. To triangulate the data from the interviews and questionnaire,  a bibliometric analysis was performed. From the results of the bibliometric analysis, 117 studies were found on foreign-language placement tests in the 2012–2022 range and there was no research on the development of BIPA placement test instruments. The BIPA placement test is designed to measure the level of Indonesian-language skills of foreign speakers, which include listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills. This test can be used by teachers/institutions to determine the level of Indonesian-language skills of foreign speakers, starting from levels A?1, A-2, and B-1. This test is also useful for authorized institutions to provide Indonesian-language certification to foreign speakers who need it. Further research can be done with the development of BIPA test instruments for intermediate and advanced levels.



Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing; BIPA; Indonesian for foreign speakers; placement test

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