Improving Leadership Practice through the Power of Reflection: An Epistemological Study

Ann Thaanraj



This paper reports on a personal journey using reflection to benefit and transform the development of the author’s thinking on important elements of leadership. The paper discusses the value of critical reflection in professional development before building upon the dynamic and complex multi-facet process of leadership. The reflection has helped to draw out the author’s epistemological stance on the variety of different responsibilities, requirements of professional, personal and interpersonal knowledge and skill and the need to engage in reflection and continual improvement and growth as a leader. In order to grow and improve as a leader there is a strong need to address personal values and challenges that underpin thinking about leadership and the manner of implementing leadership. 


Reflective learning; personal values; leadership, professional learning, situational leadership, ethic.


Reflective learning; personal values; leadership, professional learning, situational leadership, ethic.

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