Students’ Academic Performance in Religious Education: A Case of Selected Schools in Botswana

Baamphatlha Dinama, Koketso Jeremiah, Boitumelo Sihlupheki-Jorowe, Masego Keakantse, Rebonyetsala Kemoabe, Bafedile Kgaswe, Mpolokang Motshosi, Oshi Sebina


This research investigated students’ academic performance in Religious Education (RE) in three junior secondary schools in Gaborone in Botswana. The sample comprised seven (7) Religious Education teachers, two (2) deputy school heads, three (3) focus groups of students and two (2) parent representatives. The study used a qualitative research methodology and a case study design that entailed interviews, lesson observations and document analysis. The findings reveal that teachers as the pillars of an effective instructional delivery process need to have a deep content and pedagogical knowledge as well as possess adequate assessment skills. In addition, students’ positive academic performance requires a warm and welcoming classroom climate. This study also identified various factors that may contribute to an improvement in students’ academic performance such as parent and teacher cooperation, as well as the availability of teaching and learning resources. 


academic performance, Religious Education, junior secondary schools, assessment skills, Botswana

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