Unveiling the Gender Influence on Autonomous Vocabulary Learning Strategies among Vietnamese EFL Teachers

Phuong Hoang Yen, Nguyen Thi Thuy-Linh, Nguyen Anh Thi, Le Thanh Thao, Pham Trut Thuy, Nguyen Huong Tra, Huynh Thi Anh-Thu


This study sought to explore the influence of gender on the strategies adopted by English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in Vietnam to enhance Learner Autonomy (LA) in vocabulary acquisition. Studying the influence of gender is particularly crucial in the Vietnamese context, as societal and cultural attitudes toward gender roles may distinctly impact pedagogical choices and, consequently, the efficacy of vocabulary learning strategies. Given the imperative role of English in global linguistic landscapes and the pressing need for effective vocabulary learning strategies, this investigation addresses a significant gap in current research by examining the gender-based pedagogical choices of EFL teachers. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, data were collected from 99 high school EFL teachers from the Mekong Delta region through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The findings indicated a broad consensus across genders on the importance of strategies that foster autonomous vocabulary learning. However, male teachers held a stronger belief in the effectiveness of independent study for bolstering students’ autonomous vocabulary learning compared to their female counterparts. The reasons for this divergence were explored and linked to cultural factors, pedagogical beliefs, and personal learning experiences. These findings underscore the need for teachers, policymakers, and administrators to consider the complexity of gender-based influences when devising pedagogical strategies for enhancing vocabulary learning autonomy.



Vietnamese EFL teachers; strategies; vocabulary learning; learner autonomy; gender

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