Preserving and Nurturing Tausug Language: The Bahasa Sug Mobile Learning Application Tool for Enhancing Mother Tongue Development for Toddlers

Shernahar K. Tahil, Jonel T. Alibasa, Shamier – Rahman K. Tahil, Jeanor Marsin, Shanaia – Shedri K. Tahil


In the fast-paced modern world, English and other commonly spoken languages have become prevalent even in Tausug households. This shift towards these languages presents difficulties in preserving and advancing the Tausug language. Therefore, it is essential to discover effective methods to cultivate language foundations and encourage the development of the mother tongue among Tausug toddlers. One hundred and sixty toddlers and 160 parents from eight Barangay in Jolo, Sulu, participated in a study. It was to investigate the effect between Bahasa Sug Mobile Learning Applications and traditional teaching methods in enhancing mother tongue development for toddlers. The results indicated high significance in favor of the Bahasa Sug Mobile Learning Application over the traditional teaching method, as shown by a t-test with a p-value of 0.05. The parents noted Bahasa Sug Mobile Apps' significant value in increasing their children's learning. Bahasa Sug, mobile learning applications, have become valuable tools for nurturing and preserving mother tongues in toddlers. These applications provide engaging and interactive experiences that align with children's natural learning processes. They can create an immersive and interactive environment for toddlers to develop and preserve their mother tongue. By embracing this mobile learning application, it can ensure the continuity and vitality of native languages, allowing children to maintain a strong connection with their cultural heritage and linguistic identity.


Tausug Language; Bahasa Sug; Mobile Learning Application; Mother Tongue; Cultural Identity; Child Development

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