Teacher Professional Development through the Teacher Education Program (PPG) at Islamic Education Institutions

Mardhiah Mardhiah, Awaliah Musgamy, Mukhlis Lubis


In the context of contemporary Islamic education, the transformation of teacher education is crucial, marking a move away from content-based instructional approaches towards developing teachers' professional competencies. This study aims to critically examine the implementation of the Professional Teacher Education Program (PPG) in Islamic Education Institutions in Indonesia, focusing on changes in management, pedagogy, educational practices, and assessment methodologies. Using a qualitative approach, the study involved teachers as the main subjects and collected data through interviews, observations, and document analysis to assess the effectiveness of the program. Instruments used included interview guidelines and observation sheets, with data analysis conducted through thematic analysis techniques. The study revealed changes in curriculum design and content, improvement in instructional, personal, and interpersonal skills, product development, increased procedural efficacy, and development of basic disciplinary competencies among teachers. The investigation provided insights into the institution's use of the seven steps of PPG, modifications to training facilities, outcome-oriented assessment methods, and program evaluation protocols in line with PPG principles. The results show the significant impact of the PPG method in improving teacher professionalism, aligning with outcomes-based teaching and evaluation, and fostering essential skills and abilities for future educators.



teacher; professional development; PPG; Islamic education; institutions

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