Empathetic Pedagogies in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Teaching: Specific Strategies and Experiences from the Mekong Delta Context

Thuy Thi Tran, Thuy Trut Pham, Thao Thanh Le


In the current landscape of global education, the importance of understanding and effectively integrating emotional intelligence into teaching practices has gained significant attention. Within this framework, the role of empathy in teaching is emerging as a crucial component, particularly in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) settings where cultural and linguistic barriers present unique challenges. This study delves into the intricate role of empathy in EFL teaching, particularly within the Mekong Delta region. Employing qualitative research methods, in-depth interviews with 10 EFL educators were conducted to extract nuanced insights about their perceptions and experiences regarding empathetic practices in the classroom. The findings, after conducting thematic analysis, revealed multiple thematic areas: the challenges of balancing empathy with academic rigour; the influence of personal experiences on empathetic practices; the relationship between empathy and student motivation; empathy’s role in conflict resolution and classroom management; and the profound impact of empathy on teachers’ self-growth and renewal. Through the lens of socio-cultural theory and transformative learning theory, the study illuminates the deep intertwining of empathy with socio-cultural dynamics and transformative educational experiences. While the results underscore the paramount importance of empathy in enhancing classroom dynamics, student motivation and teacher development, they are grounded in the specific socio-cultural context of the Mekong Delta. Therefore, generalisations to broader EFL contexts should be made with caution. This research contributes to the burgeoning literature on empathetic pedagogies, emphasising its significance in modern EFL teaching environments.



EFL; empathy; Mekong Delta; university lecturers, strategies, experiences

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