A Development of Students’ Worksheet Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning

Zulyadaini Yaden


This research is aimed at developing the students’ worksheet to determine the quality of validity and practicality aspects based on expert’s assessment of materials, expert’s design, media specialists, an individual assessment of students’ testing, a small group assessment of students trial, and a field trials assessment of students.       This study is adapted from the development of ADDIE model which consists of 5 stages: 1) Analysis, 2) design, 3) Development, 4) Implementation, and 5) evaluation. The results showed that the quality of students' worksheet of mathematics on materials of factorization in algebra-based on Contextual Teaching and Learning basically on the assessment of: 1) the experts’ of subject materials is obtained a total average of 3.81 is included in the category of "Good" or scored 76.2 % which is included in the category of "Very Decent", 2) the experts’ design is obtained a total average of 3.62 which is included in the category of "Good" or scored 72.4% which is included in the category "Decent", 3) the experts’ of media is obtained scored 4:43 which is included in the category of "Good" or scored 88.6% which is in the category of "Very Decent". Whereas, the assessment by the students is done in three stages: 1) an individual assessment of students’ testing is obtained average total of 4.75 which is included in the category of "Very Good" or 95% which is included in the category of "Very Decent", 2) a small group assessment of students trial is obtained total average of 4:58 which is included in the category of "Very Good" or scored 91.6% thus it is included in the category of "Very Decent", 3) a field trials assessment of students is obtained a total average of 4:43 which is included in the category of "Very Good" or scored 88.6% thus it is included in the category of "Very Decent". Thus mathematics on materials of factorization in algebra-based on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is declared valid and practical so it can be used as the learning equipment of mathematics at the factorization material algebra.


Development, students’ worksheet, CTL, ADDIE

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