Exploring Motivational Dynamics: The Role of Oral Activities in Improving Arab Students’ Learning of English

Adel Jendli, Mohammed Albarakati


This study explores the impact of oral activities on Arab students' motivation to enhance their English language skills, underscoring the pivotal role of teachers in cultivating enthusiasm for learning. Using a descriptive/explanatory case study design, the research assesses the current state of English language instruction in Arab schools, with a specific focus on Saudi Arabia. Diverse strategies and methods are proposed to boost student motivation and alleviate anxiety in language learning, advocating for communicative language instruction, learner-centric environments and innovative assessment approaches. The study introduces a real-life eclectic technique to bridge the gap between teaching, assessment and real-world application. Despite time constraints, teacher training and policy support are deemed essential for effective integration. The research recommends a comprehensive approach to enhance motivation and proficiency in English, aiming for a more impactful learning experience in Arab schools. To address generalizability, the study proposes solutions applicable to the majority of Arab classrooms, while acknowledging the need to consider unique characteristics and variations within each educational system for broader applicability. The study also suggests directions for future research.



Learners’ motivation; motivational dynamics; speaking activities; communicative proficiency; oral evaluation

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