Bonding in Newcomer Education: An Empirical Exploration

Isolde de Groot, Bas van den Berg, Monique Leijgraaf, Laurens ten Kate


Armed conflicts in the Middle East since 2015 have led to an increase of refugee children in Dutch society and Dutch schools. This article describes an exploratory qualitative study into how primary school teachers promote bonding in classrooms and schools with newcomer students. Following research in worldview and citizenship education, we identify three interrelated ways in which bonding can be promoted in (newcomer) education: by fostering a) exchange, b) a feeling of being listened to, and c) the co-creation of a shared cultural world. We then present the results of a multiple-case study which examined teacher practices and challenges in two schools in this regard. Thematic analysis of the data revealed how the teachers experience their work as highly meaningful, despite the challenges that stem from the super-diverse character of newcomer classes and a lack of suitable materials. The teachers offer various playful learning activities to advance exchange and a feeling of being listened to. Moreover, they employ creative, playful and imaginative learning strategies to stimulate the co-creation of a shared cultural world. Overall, our study introduces a conceptual vocabulary and provides insights into how to foster a shared space in newcomer classrooms and schools.


newcomer students; super-diversity; bonding; shared space; teacher competences

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