Inclusion of the FuzzyILS Method in MOODLE for Creating Effective Courses

Antonio Silva Sprock


The work exposes the analysis of the effectiveness of courses in MOODLE when the course is developed with activities according to the learning styles of the students which have been determined using the FuzzyILS Method. The investigator has adapted the FuzzyILS method and designed the FuzzyILS questionnaire based on former attempts and the researcher’s observations to calculate the degrees of belonging of the fuzzy sets, and evaluate the activities of MOODLE, according to the learning styles of students. The investigator has used the experimental research with forty students from the Central University of Venezuela grouped into two groups, namely the experimental group and the control group with twenty students each. The results show evidence of improvement in learning and reflect greater participation in the proposed activities when the FuzzyILS Method and MOODLE techniques are used with the learning styles of students.


FuzzyILS Method; Learning Styles; Fuzzy Sets; MOODLE

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