Teachers' Classroom Management Styles and Student-Teacher Connectedness and Anxiety

Ray T. Obispo, Gilbert C. Magulod Jr., Darin Jan C. Tindowen


The type of classroom management style employed by educators has a considerable impact on their interactions with students. The goal of this study is to understand more about faculty members' classroom management methods and how they communicate with their students in higher education. A combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques was used in this investigation. Instructors emphasized an authoritative classroom management style, which they claimed was an essential factor for successful teaching, according to the report. Students were found to be satisfied with the types of relationships they had with their teachers. However, when teachers are classified according to their profile variables, there is a noticeable difference in their classroom management types. Furthermore, there is no significant association between instructors' classroom management styles and the types of relationships that students develop. The qualitative results of this study indicate that teachers use a range of classroom management styles. The transcripts revealed that, from the viewpoint of teachers, the classroom management style is a combination of democratic and authoritative types. 



classroom management styles; higher education; instructors; student-teacher relationship

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