Journeying Beyond Classroom Walls: Investigating the Impact of 360-Degree VR Videos in Fostering Experiential Learning in Tourism Education

Vaishnavi S, Ajit I


Given the increasing importance of experiential learning in contemporary educational paradigms, this research addressed the persistent need to explore the efficacy of 360-degree virtual reality (VR) videos in augmenting tourism education. The aim was to investigate the impact of 360-degree VR videos in enhancing experiential learning outcomes, specifically in bridging the gap between classroom instruction and real-world tourism experiences. The research employed a qualitative approach and adopted in-depth interviews to thematically analyze the perceptions and experiences of students who used 360-degree VR videos for tourism education. A purposive sampling strategy was employed, resulting in a diverse sample of 40 undergraduate travel and tourism management students. The data collection included in-depth interviews, participant observations, and self-evaluation feedback questionnaires. The findings indicate the potential benefits of 360-degree VR videos in tourism education. This study underscores the importance of integrating VR technologies into educational settings to enrich learning experience and prepare students for careers in the tourism industry. This study contributes to the growing discussion on the potential of immersive technologies in education and highlights the need for continued exploration and innovation to leverage VR for experiential learning.


360-degree; virtual reality; real-world tourism experiences; tourism education

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