Exploring Teaching Strategies Used by University Instructors to Enhance Student Engagement in Academic Subjects

Amal Ummi, Wu Chenshuai, Phawani Vijayaratnam, Subashini K. Rajanthran, Girija V, Thashvindran Ravindran


This study explored the diverse strategies employed by university instructors, highlighting the need for adaptive teaching strategies consistent with constructivist theories to enhance student engagement in academic subjects. Because of the changing educational landscape, university instructors face challenges sustaining continuous student engagement. The study aimed to discover proactive measures that foster and stimulate student engagement, contributing to a more inclusive educational environment. Using a qualitative approach, in-depth face-to-face interviews and open-ended online questionnaires were conducted with 16 university instructors from Malaysia and China. The findings revealed the significant role of flexible teaching strategies in overcoming challenges and provided valuable insights for refining instructional practices to address diverse learning styles and cultural backgrounds. The research underscores the necessity of continuous adaptation and innovation to meet the evolving demands of modern education, guiding instructors to create more dynamic and responsive learning experiences.



diverse teaching strategies; quality education; student engagement; university instructors

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