Education Policy Implementation at School Level: A Study of School Strategies for Facing Social Change at Klaten Senior High School, Indonesia

Yusup Rohmadi, Andi Arif Rifa'i, Supriyanto Supriyanto, Rustam Ibrahim, Waryunah Irmawati, Suciyani Suciyani


Social changes in the digital era have had various impacts on education policy. It is important to investigate how educational institutions implement these policy practices to find out how they can realize the vision, mission and goals of education and overcome various problems of social change. This research investigated the implementation of educational policies in the face of social change in the current era of digitalization. A case study research design using a descriptive qualitative approach guided this researcher. The first findings revealed that social changes that influence educational policies in schools include changes to learning models, use of technological tools, information accessibility, interaction, and collaboration in the teaching and learning process. The second finding discussed the existence of positive impacts and potential negative risks on the implementation of school policies due to social changes that occur. The third finding explained four school policy strategies in facing social change, including curriculum adjustments, guidance counseling, collaboration, and digital literacy. The conclusion was that the education policy at Klaten Senior High School (SMA) is generally effective in dealing with the worst impacts that may occur due to social changes in the digital era. It was hoped that these findings would become concrete steps for developing education policies at the upper secondary level. The aim was to improve the ability of teachers and students to face social changes in the digital era and for a better future. The government, through educational institutions, should provide maximum support for the implementation of educational policies.


education policy; social change; senior high school

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