The Role of Industrial Internship Activities to Improve Digital Competency of Engineering Students: Perception of Engineering Managers in Industry

Rosnelli ., Mochammad Ariyanto, Saut Purba


Collaboration between the campus and the industrial world can bridge the gap that occurs between the campus and the industrial world, so that both can be integrated and synergized. This study qualitatively explored the contribution of maximizing work-integrated learning through industrial internships. The research findings from the perspective of three industry managers reveal that industrial internships can improve engineering students’ digital engineering competencies such as digital engineering observation and identification, basic and technical understanding of digital technology, work safety, predictive maintenance and programming skills to be ready to enter the workforce. The implications of the research reveal that through industrial internships students can learn from mistakes and challenges faced during industrial projects, for the development of their professional competencies. In addition, the experience and development of digital engineering competencies from the industrial world can be used as a reference for their final assignments, as well as enriching the quality of their research and academic reports, as it can bridge the gap between formal education and the demands in the ever-evolving world of work.

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