Good Practices in using Instructional Images to Enhance Young Children's Linguistic Skills from the Viewpoint of Language Education Experts

Rommel Mahmoud AlAli, Omayya M. Al-Hassan, Ali Ahmad Al-Barakat, Sami Sulieman Al-Qatawneh, Mohammad F. Hawamdeh, Dalia Abdelwahed Mohamed, Khaled M. Al-Saud, Yusra Zaki Aboud


The increasing emphasis on improving early childhood language education necessitates a deeper exploration of effective pedagogical tools, particularly visual aids. This study aims to examine the perspectives of language education specialists regarding best practices for employing images to enhance language development in early childhood settings. A targeted sample of 33 experts in language teaching, all working in early childhood education institutions in northern Jordan, was selected for the study. Qualitative research methodology was adopted, utilizing semi-structured interviews and grounded theory for data analysis. The findings identified a series of best practices for the use of instructional images to foster language development in young learners. Key practices included avoiding overly explicit interpretations of images by teachers, cultivating teachers’ confidence in children’s ability to interpret and engage with images independently, providing immediate feedback after children view images, allowing ample opportunities for children to articulate their interpretations of image content, ensuring clear and visible image presentation, selecting images that resonate with children’s real-life experiences, and accommodating individual differences among children. Based on these results, the study put forth several recommendations aimed at enhancing language acquisition through the strategic use of visual aids. The research highlights the critical role of creating a learning environment that effectively integrates images as a tool for promoting language skills in early childhood, encouraging a more interactive and engaging approach to language education.


language; linguistic development; linguistic skills; children’s learning; images

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