Islamic Religious School as an Alternative Education Institution in the Global Era: A Bibliometric and Thematic Analysis

Mohd Yahya Mohd Hussin, Fidlizan Muhammad, Azila Abdul Razak, Salwa Amirah Awang


This study conducts a bibliometric and thematic analysis of research on Islamic religious schools from 1995 to 2022. The objectives were to assess the current growth and publication trends in Islamic religious school studies, including prolific contributors, highly cited documents, and emerging research themes. Data were collected from the Scopus database using keywords such as "Islamic religious school," "pesantren," "madrasa," and "Islamic schooling." After screening, 297 documents were analyzed using Biblioshiny and Microsoft Excel. Results showed that 2022 had the highest number of publications (63). The most significant contributors were the author M.S. Merry  (5 publications), University of Malaya (26 publications), and Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (24 publications). The most globally cited document was “Unveiled Sentiments: Gendered Islamophobia and Experiences of Veiling among Muslim Girls in a Canadian Islamic School” by J. Zine, with 152 citations. Thematic analysis revealed four key research areas: Islamic Education and Pedagogy, Social and Cultural Perspectives, Comparative Studies and Global Perspectives, and Leadership and Governance. The study highlights gaps, including the need for comparative studies, inclusion of underrepresented regions, and exploration of pedagogical approaches, challenges, and policy implications. Addressing these gaps can enhance the understanding of Islamic religious schools and their role in providing alternative education globally.


Islamic religious school; alternative education; bibliometric analysis; thematic analysis; global era

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