Influence of Young Teachers’ Perceived School Support on Creative Teaching Behaviors in Higher Vocational Colleges
This study explores the impact of school support on the creative teaching behaviour of Chinese higher vocational teachers and the mediating role of teacher adaptability and creative teaching efficacy. It aims to understand the situation of young teachers' perceptions of school support, adaptability and creative teaching efficacy. It helps optimize incentive mechanisms in the long run for young teachers in higher vocational schools to stimulate their creative teaching behaviour. This study conveniently sampled 660 young teachers from vocational high schools in Shandong Province and conducted a questionnaire survey with them. The results showed that teaching adaptability and creative teaching efficacy could be mediators in the relationship between perceived school support and creative teaching behaviour, showing that apart from school support, these two elements are crucial for the activation of creative teaching behaviour. Perceived school support has a positive impact on teachers’ adaptability, creative teaching efficacy and creative teaching behaviour. Teacher adaptability and creative teaching efficacy play a partial mediating role in the relationship between perceived school support and creative teaching behaviour.
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