Examination of Factors Related to Counsellor Educator Self-Efficacy to Treat Addiction
Counsellor educators are tasked with preparing students to serve clients diagnosed with substance use disorders. In this context and alongside the global impact of addiction, the authors explored factors related to counsellor educator self-efficacy in treating addiction. A total of 78 counsellor educators and 44 doctoral counselling students took part in the study. A demographic questionnaire, the substance abuse attitude survey, and the substance abuse treatment self-efficacy scale were combined to create an online questionnaire completed by participants. A multiple regression indicated that the number of completed graduate-level courses in addiction and the years of clinical experience significantly predicted educator self-efficacy. Limitations of the study included the use of self-report instruments, a homogeneous participant pool, a potentially biased questionnaire and data analysis, difficulty assessing all the factors related to self-efficacy, and limited research already in existence on the relationship between educator clinical experience in treating addiction. Future research using a qualitative design is recommended to gain a deeper understanding of the factors that influence counsellor educator self-efficacy. The findings of this study will help fill the gap in knowledge on counsellor educator self-efficacy and provide direction in terms of how administrators can support educators in developing both their addiction pedagogy and comfort in teaching addiction. Supporting counsellor educators directly supports counselling student education and preparedness, which enhances client treatment and helps to fill the growing need for mental health counsellors trained to treat clients with addiction
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