Exploring Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Utilising Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Teaching

M. Haziq Saharuddin, M. Khalid M. Nasir, Muhammad Sofwan Mahmud


Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) is a theory that describes the knowledge and skills required by a teacher to integrate technology into their teaching. This study aimed to identify the level of TPACK among primary school teachers regarding applying AI technology for teaching. This study employed a quantitative research approach using a survey design. Data was collected through structured questionnaires from in-service primary school teachers in Semporna, Sabah. An independent samples t-test and a one-way ANOVA test were used for data analysis. The results showed that the level of teachers’ TPACK in applying artificial intelligence (AI) technology for teaching was high. The independent t-test uncovered no significant difference between teachers’ TPACK concerning their gender. However, one-way ANOVA showed a significant difference between teachers’ TPACK concerning their age in content, pedagogy, and pedagogical content knowledge compared with their technological content and technological pedagogy. These findings suggest that targeted AI training for older teachers could bridge generational gaps, thereby enhancing AI integration and educational outcomes. This highlights the importance of strong TPACK competencies for effective AI integration, with age-related variations emphasizing the need for tailored support to optimize classroom implementation.



Technological pedagogical content knowledge, generative artificial intelligence, professional development, teaching competency, gender

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