Leveraging Expert Perspectives to Explore Key Elements in Integrating Sustainability and Statistics Education

Oziah Othman, Ruhizan Mohammad Yasin, Mohamad Sattar Rasul


The integration of sustainability education across subjects is an effort to instill concern in students for preserving global well-being. However, experts are required to be involved in organizing effective strategies to ensure that the targeted goals are achieved through the integration of sustainability education across subjects. Our research explored expert views on the elements that need to be emphasized in integrating sustainability education and statistics education. This qualitative study used semi-structured interviews to collect data from 13 experts, including lecturers, curriculum developers, and teachers. The continuous comparative analysis of the collected data produced four themes, discovering elements that must be present in integrating sustainability education and statistics education, namely (i) statistics education, (ii) sustainability education, (iii) statistical data, and (iv) learning strategies. The findings of this study significantly contribute to contemporary curriculum development by identifying key components necessary for merging sustainability education with statistics education. Hence, the difficulty of school teachers to integrate sustainability education into statistics education should be recognized, so as to input teachers and curriculum developers in providing relevant learning experiences in the objectives of statistics education and sustainability education.



Expert perspective; integration; statistics education; sustainability

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