Teaching Competencies of Mathematics Teachers in Inclusive Education at Primary Schools
Inclusive mathematics teaching and learning, which integrates students with special needs and typical students in the same classroom, has long been implemented in Malaysia. However, teaching mathematics in this inclusive environment presents unique challenges to teachers. These competencies are needed to support the diverse needs of students. This study examines the competencies mathematics teachers require to teach inclusively in primary schools. Using a qualitative case study approach, semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven teachers experienced in teaching special education and mathematics in inclusive classrooms. Seven experienced teachers with special education and mathematics teaching backgrounds were purposively selected. Data were analysed using thematic analysis methods. The researcher employed triangulation by involving multiple researchers and member checking to enhance the validity and reliability of the data. The findings identified five required competencies: content mastery skills, flexible strategies and techniques skills, technology utilisation skills, effective classroom management skills, and skills in assessment and monitoring. These findings have implications for enhancing teacher training and professional development programs to equip them with the necessary competencies for effective inclusive mathematics teaching. The research is expected to assist in improving the quality of inclusive mathematics education in Malaysia.
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